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Sunday, April 4, 2021

धी शुद्धि स्तोत्रं composed by श्री वादिराज तीर्थ स्वामीजी Dhi Shudhi Strotra by Shri Vadiraja Thirtha Swamiji

धी शुद्धि स्तोत्रं - श्री वादिराज तीर्थ स्वामीजी

चिंतामणिर्हयग्रीवो वशे यस्य निषेवितः । 

सोsपि सर्वार्थदो नृणां किमुतासौ हयाननः ।। 1

Simple translation : The devotee of Hayanana, who is blessed by Him, is fit to bestow all that is needed and asked for by others with the power installed in the devotee by Hayanana. Facts being such, does it require separately  to say the worship of Hayanana with full devotion bestows every kind of auspiciousness!!

 यं यं चिन्मयसन्मूर्ते धर्मं कुर्मस्तवाज्ञया । 

तं तं घ्नंत्यसुराः किं तद्धंता त्वं तान्न कृंतसि ।। 2।। 

Oh! Paramatma, your form is verily sentient*1 .  We live according to the rules of dharma laid by you. Demons (internal as well as external)  attack us and prevent us from doing the work as per your orders. You have always destroyed these evil forces time and again. Please destroy these evil forces that are troubling us. 

*1- Paramatma is never touched by the prakriti. His form is always चिदानंदात्मक

 त्वद्दतपुण्यवित्तं मे सद्यः पापैरपाहरन् ।

 क्रुद्धा दैत्या न दैत्यारे तद्विक्रान्तैरलं तव ।।3।।

The wealth of merits(पुण्य) that you gave was instantly robbed by the angry demons. Therefore I think your strength is not enough to tame them.

 स्वक्षेम राम मे कामे रक्षांस्यक्षाण्यचिक्षिपन् । 

तत् क्षाम्यं न हृषीकेशस्याक्ष्यय्यत्रय्यधीशीतुः।।4।।

Oh! Rama you are fully capable without any need from anyone else to look after yourself. These Demons keep  watch over the good that I earn. They spoil everything. Hrishikesha! (*1) Lord of all  eternal vedas ! I seek you not to forgive them and do not  let them destroy my merits. 

 (*1 Hrishikesha is the one who rules our senses)

 स्वप्नोsपि सूचको यस्मात्तस्मादस्माकमच्युत । 

अस्वप्नप्रिय न स्वप्नेsप्यक्षं निक्षिप दुष्कृते।।5।।

 Achyuta! You are dear to Gods who never dream. Incidences seen in the dreams foretell what happens in reality. So please don't let our senses indulge in evil even in our dreams. (Achyuta here is the One for whom nothing is wanting. It means He is not only infinite in every aspects, His actions also never fail.)

क्वाहं नृहय तेंsघ्र्यर्कशरणः करुणांबुधे ।

 क्वेदं निस्सारसंसारनीहारावरणं मम ।।6।।

Hayagreeva! Compassionate/merciful Lord! I have taken refuge in the bright light of your feet. How can this bond that ties me to the samsaara which is like a fog,  exist after the bright sunrise of the vision of your feet!

अनुत्साहमहोत्साह चरणस्मरणे सताम् ।

शरणे सति जल्पन्तः किमसंतो हसन्ति नः ।।7।।

 Pranadevaru (Vayudevaru) doesn't show much of an enthusiasm towards the universe which is different from paramatma. Hence Rajaru calls Him 'anutsaha'. Paramatma is always enthusiastic to protect all. Hence He is called 'Mahotsaha'. Sajjanas never forget the lotus feet of these two. So what harm can others do who laugh at us ?

कस्य कस्य प्रियं ब्रूमः स्तुमः कं कं पदे पदे । 

कस्मै कस्मै दिशामोर्थं कस्माद्वाsस्मत् प्रयोजनम्  ।।8।।

 With whom shall we talk sweetly? Whom shall we keep praising at every step? To whom shall we give our money and serve? What is it's use? 

 (Here Rajaru is referring  generally to those who are evil minded. Or we can say that the reference is towards our overindulgence in mundane life. So Rajaru is advising us to spend our little time and wealth to serve Paramatma and His devotees. That will be useful for our own upliftment)

को वा जीवोपरस्त्राता देवाच्छ्री वासुदेवतः । 

योsर्वा गा वाति यश्चोर्ध्वं तौ वातौ वामनाश्रितौ ।।9।।

 Hey Jeevaatma!! Who else can protect you other than Supreme Vasudeva? He is present as apaana in the apaana (Vayu's apaana rupa). He sustains the body from heart downwards. He is present as Praana and is present in the Praana (Vayu's praana rupa). He sustains the body from heart upwards. Both of these forms of Vayu are controlled by Vaamana who is present in the heart.

मां चेन्मुंचति देवोsसौ गां च मुंचति वैदिकीम् । 

सत्यवृतस्य नासत्यं भक्तस्य न कदापि भीः ।।10।।

 If Lord Vasudeva does not protect me, the Vedic assurance "I never forgo my devotee" would become meaningless. Paramatma has vowed that He will never go against the TRUTH (Vedic assurance). Therefore never be afraid. Lord will always look after His devotee

प्रभो प्रबोध्य बोधाब्धिं प्रबुद्धबुधसाध्य ते । 

कृपाक्षपाकरकरश्चकोरीमिव पातु माम् ।।11।।

 My Lord! You are always  available  to those souls who have realised your auspicious attributes. (aparoksha jnAnis). Let the ocean of your infinite auspiciousness swell into a full tide. Let the moonlight of your beneficence protect me, who is waiting like chakora bird

(chakora is said to be a bird whose life is dependent on the moonlight)

सेयं श्रीशहयग्रीवदासेनाsचार्यसेविना ।

 यतिना वादिराजेन स्तुतिर्धीशुद्धये कृता ।।

This stotra is composed by Vaadiraja yati, who serves Srimad Acharya and Lakshmi-Hayagreeva to achieve a clean mind (specially clarity of thinking)

 🙏 श्रीमध्व वादिराजान्तर्गत लक्ष्मीहयग्रीवः प्रीतोस्तु 🙏

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