ॐ श्री हरि वायु गुरुभ्यो नमः
चातुर्मास्य वृत - Chaturmasa Vruta
(This is a compilation by Shri Shivanand Bhat from Mumbai, collected from various sources)
चातुर्मास्य वृत - 1
All of us have heard or some what aware of चातुर्मास्य वृत but many of us may not know what exactly it is ? Many of us think that it is something to do with our Swamijis etc.
What really is Chaturmas Vrut ?
Among the 3 mandatory Vrutas to be followed by all, चातुर्मास्य वृत is one. The other two are एकादशी वृत & श्री कृष्णजयन्ती वृत (कृष्ण जन्माष्टमी )
Lot of details about the Chaturmas can be obtained from श्री वराह पुराण
अस्ति प्रियतमः कालः चातुर्मास्याभिधो मम |
दानं व्रतं जपो होमः तत्र अनंतगुणं स्मृतं ||
वराह रूपी Lord says, it is that period of year that is most loved by me and such a period gives infinite फल to the दान, व्रत, जप, होम done during this period.
So which is that period of the year ?
आषाढे दशमीं शुक्लामारभ्य स्यात्तु कार्तीकी |
पौर्णमासि तावदिदं चातुर्मास्यव्रतादिकं ||
Lord says from Ashaada Shukla Dashami (Previous day of Ashaada Ekadashi) till Karteeki Poornima such a period is called as Chaturmas (4 months)
चातुर्मास्य वृत - 2
Why follow चातुर्मास्य वृत ?
चातुर्मास्ये हरौ सुप्ते नियमं यो न कारयेत् |सोऽपि नरकमाप्नोति तस्य जन्मव्रथा गतम् ||
अवृतेन नयेद्यस्तु चातुर्मास्यमनुत्तमम् |स पापी नरकं याति यावदाभॊतसम्प्लवम् ||
Scriptures warn us that one who does not observe the Chaturmasya Vrata, will surely go to hell and his / her life will be wasted. Also he / She will be called a पापी and will have to live in hell until Pralaya.
Who has to follow चातुर्मास्य वृत ?
नित्यं कार्यं च सर्वेषां एतत् व्रत चातुष्टयं |
नारीभिश्च नरैर्वापि चातुराश्रमवर्तिभिः ||
ब्रह्मणः क्षत्रियो वैश्यः स्त्रियः शूद्रो व्रती तथा |
ग्रही वनस्थः कुटिचो बहूदः परमहंसकः |
Chaturmasya is considered as नित्यकर्म (to be followed every year) and is to be followed by all (i.e) all the ladies and men, Brahmachari, Grahastha, Vaanaprastha and Sanyaasi. Also all the Brahmins, Kshyatriyas, Vaishyaas and Shudras and
to be followed by all the 4 different types of Sanyaasi (कुटीचक, बहूदक, हंस and परमहंस )
चातुर्मास्य period is considered as the योगनिद्रा period of श्री हरि that is why Ashaada Shukla Ekadashi is called as शयनी एकादशी and Karteeka Shukla Ekadashi is called as उत्थान एकादशी .
Generally 1/3rd of the day is considered for sleep. (8 hours out of 24 hours)
मानुषं वर्षमेतद्धि देवानां दिनं उच्यते |
for Devata one year of ours is considered as their one day. Considering this, 1/3rd of one year (4 months ) goes into sleep.
(Though we say that Sri Hari is in योगनिद्रा actually he is above all these things like निद्रा etc. it is just a लीला of Lord)
What is the फल of following चातुर्मास्य ?
प्रसुप्ते च जगन्नाथेsच्युते गरुडध्वजे |
व्रतक्रियां चारेद्यस्तु तस्य व्रतफलं श्रुणु ||
अश्वमेधसहस्रैस्तु यत्फलं प्राप्नुयान्नरः |
चातुर्मास्यव्रतैस्चीर्णैस्तत्फलं समवाप्नुयात् ||
"Let me explain you the Phala obtained by observing this Vrata during the योगनिद्रा period of Lord (GarudaDhwaja, Achyuta, Lord of all the worlds )
One can earn a phala equivalent to doing thousands of अश्वमेध यज्ञ just by observing simple चातुर्मास्य वृत "
How to observe and follow चातुर्मास्य वृत ?
There are many things one can do during this period, one of the most important thing is
आषाढे वर्जयेत् शाकं श्रावणे च तथा दधि |
दुग्धं आश्वयुजे त्याज्यं कार्तिके द्विदलं त्यजेत् ||
One should observe this Vrata by restraining from having Green Vegetables during Ashada Maasa; Curd and curd based products during Shravana; Milk and milk products during Ashwayuj Masa; Pulses & Fruits that have many seeds during Karteeka Masa.
चातुर्मास्य वृत - 3
आषाढे वर्जयेत् शाकं
One should not eat शाक during the month of Ashada
What is the definition of शाक ?
मूल पत्र करीर अग्र फल कांडाधिरूडकाः |
त्वक् पुष्पं कवचं चेति शाकं दशविधं स्मृतं ||
Root, Leaf, Sprout, अग्र (tip of the sapling), Fruit, Stem, Bark, Shoot, flower, outer skin all these are 10 types of शाक which are prohibited during Ashada.
What is also prohibited during चातुर्मास्य ?
समस्तमङ्गलानां च देवता च जनार्दनः |
तस्मिन्स्तु शयनं याते नोद्वाहादिक्रिया भवेत् ||
चौलोपनयने चैव विवाहाद्यं त्यजेत्बुधः |
For all the मङ्गल कार्य the देवता is श्रीहरि himself that's why in विष्णु सहस्र नाम he has been praised as मङ्गलानां च मङ्गलम् . So there is no question of doing any लौकिक मङ्गल कार्य when he is asleep. (चौल, उपनयन, विवाह, गृहप्रवेश etc are prohibited)
Most important aspect one should follow during चातुर्मास्य
मत्कथाश्रवणे सक्तो मद्भक्तैः संगवान् सदा | भक्तिमान् मम भक्तेषु स्वधर्मनिरतः सदा ||
पक्षे पक्षे मासि मासि त्रिदिन वृतकारकः | मम वृतानि चान्यानि मत्प्रीत्याधिक्यसिद्धये ||
One should engage in listening to the glories of Lord, spend time with devotees of Lord, respect them and serve them. Do all the prescribed धर्म as per one's आश्रम . Observe Ekadashi Vrata during every fortnight and every month also observe other prescribed Vrata.
चातुर्मास्य वृत - 4
दान during चातुर्मास्य
पर्वकालेषु सर्वेषु दानं देयं तपः सदा |चातुर्मास्ये विशेषेण तदनन्तं प्रजायते ||
During all the पर्वकाल one should give away दान and also should do good अनुष्ठान. All these done during चातुर्मास्य will yield अनन्त फल .
दीपदान During चातुर्मास्य
द्वादश्यां दीपदानं तु कर्तव्यं मुक्तिमिच्छुभिः | दीपः सर्वेषु कार्येषु प्रथमः तेजसांपतिः ||
Deepa (Lamp) Daana is specially recommended on Dwadashi days, In all the virtues Deepa daana should be the first one to be done.
Which other वृत can be observed during चातुर्मास्य ?
पराकं षष्टकालं च तथा धारण पारणम् |
लक्षवर्तिव्रतं चैव भीष्मपंचकमेव च ||
तथा लक्षनमस्कारव्रतं लक्षप्रदक्षिणम् |
चातुर्मास्ये व्रतान्याहुरेतत्काम्यमितीरितम् ||
पराक वृत (Fasting for 12 days)
षष्टकाल वृत ( Having food once in 6 days or once in 3 days)
धारण पारण वृत (one day fasting and the next day having food continuously for a duration of one month)
लक्षवर्ति वृत (preparing one lakh wicks and offering it to lord)
भीष्मपंचक वृत (Fasting from Kartiki Ekadashi till Kartika Poornima 5 days continuous fasting)
लक्षप्रदक्षिण वृत (offering one Lakh प्रदक्षिण and नमस्कार to Lord during चातुर्मास्य )
All these are काम्य व्रत.
Apart from these लक्षतुलसी अर्चना, लक्षपुष्प अर्चना are also popular.
There are few विशेष वृत which can be followed which have the specific फल mentioned below
एकभुक्त वृत - विष्णुलोक प्राप्ति
ब्रह्मचर्य - मन्वंतर काल विष्णुलोक वास
क्षीर, दधि, तक्र, गुड त्याग - मुक्ति प्राप्ति
मौनव्रत - वैकुंठलोक प्राप्ति
स्वयंपाक भोजन - दश सहस्र वर्ष इंद्रलोक वास
मौन भोजन - सर्व आपत् परिहार
विशेष दिन during चातुर्मास्य व्रत
पौर्णमास्याममायां वा द्वादश्यां वा विशेषतः |
यद्दानं दीयते तस्य फलं बहुगुणं भवेत् ||
चातुर्मास्ये विशेषेण दानं कुर्यात् तु भक्तितः |
तस्य अक्षयं फलं प्रोक्तं न अत्र कार्या विचारणा ||
Generally any दान given on full moon day, no moon day or on dwadashi day has special फल that too if given during the चातुर्मास्य on these three days, it has got very special फल.
विशेष फल for the यति भिक्षा done during चातुर्मास्य
यस्तु संन्यासिनो विप्रान् शांतान् दांतान् विरागिणः |
भोजयेत् भक्तिपूर्वं तु तस्य पुण्यमनंतकम् ||
During chaturmasya , One who offers Bhojan to Yati (sanyasi) or to a learned Brahman he/she will attain infinite Punya
आषाढे वर्जयेत् शाकं
One should not eat शाक during the month of Ashada
What is the definition of शाक ?
मूल पत्र करीर अग्र फल कांडाधिरूडकाः |
त्वक् पुष्पं कवचं चेति शाकं दशविधं स्मृतं ||
Root, Leaf, Sprout, अग्र (tip of the sapling), Fruit, Stem, Bark, Shoot, flower, outer skin all these are 10 types of शाक which are prohibited during Ashada.
What is also prohibited during चातुर्मास्य ?
समस्तमङ्गलानां च देवता च जनार्दनः |
तस्मिन्स्तु शयनं याते नोद्वाहादिक्रिया भवेत् ||
चौलोपनयने चैव विवाहाद्यं त्यजेत्बुधः |
For all the मङ्गल कार्य the देवता is श्रीहरि himself that's why in विष्णु सहस्र नाम he has been praised as मङ्गलानां च मङ्गलम् . So there is no question of doing any लौकिक मङ्गल कार्य when he is asleep. (चौल, उपनयन, विवाह, गृहप्रवेश etc are prohibited)
Most important aspect one should follow during चातुर्मास्य
मत्कथाश्रवणे सक्तो मद्भक्तैः संगवान् सदा | भक्तिमान् मम भक्तेषु स्वधर्मनिरतः सदा ||
पक्षे पक्षे मासि मासि त्रिदिन वृतकारकः | मम वृतानि चान्यानि मत्प्रीत्याधिक्यसिद्धये ||
One should engage in listening to the glories of Lord, spend time with devotees of Lord, respect them and serve them. Do all the prescribed धर्म as per one's आश्रम . Observe Ekadashi Vrata during every fortnight and every month also observe other prescribed Vrata.
चातुर्मास्य वृत - 4
दान during चातुर्मास्य
पर्वकालेषु सर्वेषु दानं देयं तपः सदा |चातुर्मास्ये विशेषेण तदनन्तं प्रजायते ||
During all the पर्वकाल one should give away दान and also should do good अनुष्ठान. All these done during चातुर्मास्य will yield अनन्त फल .
दीपदान During चातुर्मास्य
द्वादश्यां दीपदानं तु कर्तव्यं मुक्तिमिच्छुभिः | दीपः सर्वेषु कार्येषु प्रथमः तेजसांपतिः ||
Deepa (Lamp) Daana is specially recommended on Dwadashi days, In all the virtues Deepa daana should be the first one to be done.
Which other वृत can be observed during चातुर्मास्य ?
पराकं षष्टकालं च तथा धारण पारणम् |
लक्षवर्तिव्रतं चैव भीष्मपंचकमेव च ||
तथा लक्षनमस्कारव्रतं लक्षप्रदक्षिणम् |
चातुर्मास्ये व्रतान्याहुरेतत्काम्यमितीरितम् ||
पराक वृत (Fasting for 12 days)
षष्टकाल वृत ( Having food once in 6 days or once in 3 days)
धारण पारण वृत (one day fasting and the next day having food continuously for a duration of one month)
लक्षवर्ति वृत (preparing one lakh wicks and offering it to lord)
भीष्मपंचक वृत (Fasting from Kartiki Ekadashi till Kartika Poornima 5 days continuous fasting)
लक्षप्रदक्षिण वृत (offering one Lakh प्रदक्षिण and नमस्कार to Lord during चातुर्मास्य )
All these are काम्य व्रत.
Apart from these लक्षतुलसी अर्चना, लक्षपुष्प अर्चना are also popular.
There are few विशेष वृत which can be followed which have the specific फल mentioned below
एकभुक्त वृत - विष्णुलोक प्राप्ति
ब्रह्मचर्य - मन्वंतर काल विष्णुलोक वास
क्षीर, दधि, तक्र, गुड त्याग - मुक्ति प्राप्ति
मौनव्रत - वैकुंठलोक प्राप्ति
स्वयंपाक भोजन - दश सहस्र वर्ष इंद्रलोक वास
मौन भोजन - सर्व आपत् परिहार
विशेष दिन during चातुर्मास्य व्रत
पौर्णमास्याममायां वा द्वादश्यां वा विशेषतः |
यद्दानं दीयते तस्य फलं बहुगुणं भवेत् ||
चातुर्मास्ये विशेषेण दानं कुर्यात् तु भक्तितः |
तस्य अक्षयं फलं प्रोक्तं न अत्र कार्या विचारणा ||
Generally any दान given on full moon day, no moon day or on dwadashi day has special फल that too if given during the चातुर्मास्य on these three days, it has got very special फल.
विशेष फल for the यति भिक्षा done during चातुर्मास्य
यस्तु संन्यासिनो विप्रान् शांतान् दांतान् विरागिणः |
भोजयेत् भक्तिपूर्वं तु तस्य पुण्यमनंतकम् ||
During chaturmasya , One who offers Bhojan to Yati (sanyasi) or to a learned Brahman he/she will attain infinite Punya
🙏| श्री कृष्णार्पणमस्तु |🙏
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