श्रीमद हनुम-भीम-मध्व-अंतर्गत राम-कृष्ण-वेदव्यासात्मक लक्ष्मी हयग्रीवाभिन्न श्री सीतारामचंद्र वीरविठ्ठला: प्रसीदंतु।।
श्रीमत्कमलानाथ तीर्थ श्रीपाद वडेर स्वामीजी

कमलानाथपादाब्ज भृमरायितमानसम्।
ममतारहितं वंदे कमलानाथयोगिनम् ।।
Part 2
Sri Kamalanath teerth swamiji , spent thirty five years in serving Guru Sri Indirakanth teerth and the as a peethadhipati for only eleven months. The workload, either mundane or spiritual that was undertaken by the institution situated in partagali Goa , which is a center for the widely spread GSB samaj , is always ascribed to the head of the institution. So all the works in those over fifty years of Sri Indirakant teerth swamiji are added to the pages in His name. But it is to be noted that in each of the major as well as the minor initiatives of the Guruswamiji in those thirty five years , Shishya swamiji tirelessly worked to make them a success. For all the details of these works, which are numerous and many of them striking , one has to read the history of Sri Indirakant swamiji. There were some prolonged and bitter animosities between some factions of the GSB society, many of which were in Goa, were difficult to handle. The allegiance owned by these different factions was not just Gokarn Partagali math alone. As is well known there are totally three gurupeethas for GSBs and two of them are of Maadhva vaishnava sampradayas and one is smaarta sampradaya. The internal disagreement over some issue by the different factions seemed to be turning very difficult. Sri Indirakant teerth swamiji and the Shisya tirelessly worked to bring together the different factions. And became successful in creating harmony. There were many other such smaller and greater issues that troubled the internal fabric of the society. And due to the diplomatic handling of these issues by the Swamijis the social unity was kept up and people could live happily with each other. The period of these Gurus was one of rapid changes in the very basic lifestyle and the old values appeared to be unsuited for the needs that the new modernized , office centered families who had restricted time for social and spiritual life. This kind of new order of society was permanent and the religious heads had to respond to the challenges that were thrown up. The centers of attraction for the newer generation were powerful which attracted them towards alien values and practices , not in accordance with the divine path as was laid down by the parampara for the spiritual enlightenment. The mundane life was now racing to occupy the full day of the people and spiritual side started receding to the corners and appeared to fade out. In these times it was urgent for the keepers of sanatana dharma to keep its force alive and the life saving river flowing in the midst of the society. And it was indeed a challenge met successfully by the Guru and Shishya.
Sri Kamalanath teerth swamiji was initiated in the year 1907 C.E. and in 1908 accompanied Guru in the teerth yatra to Pushkar, Mathura, Gokul, Vrundavan, Haridvar, Hrishikesh, Prayag, Varanasi, Ayodhya etc. In 1916 teerthayatra to Tirupati , Vishnukanchi , Madhurai, Rameshwar etc was undertaken. The famous old temple of Bete Venkatraman at Honnavar was taken over by the math in the year 1922. And shishya Swamiji worked hard to establish the Muralidhar math at Karwar.The renovation of the old math structures at Gokarn and Venkatapur can be specially mentioned for the effort put in it. The construction of the two storied structure in front of Ramdev’s garbhagriha in partagali in 1925 and addition to the hall in front of Sri Veeravitthal dev and the kitchen by its side in 1934 etc were other works done by shishya swamiji.
The affairs of the math which had gone a bit neglected during the previous decade were put in order. The math acquired about 150 properties during Sri Indirakant teerth swamiji’s time which were mostly followed and put to order by the personal supervision of Sri Kamalanath teerth swamiji, so that the members of the samaj can gainfully use them for dharmic and social purpose.
Sri Kamalanath teerth personally put an effort to solve the internal and external problems faced by the members of the society. These continued efforts made the society to mix well with others and live a harmonious life. On the whole it has to be said that Sri Kamalanath teerth swamiji worked hard for the spiritual and social sides of the GSB society and so much so that His health was also affected. Ayurvedic medicines did not work well. Guru swamiji then started giving teertha with prayers to Lord and over a period of time Sri Kamalanath teerth swamiji recovered completely. The real depth and width of the work of Shishya swamiji can only be appreciated by knowing the history of the math during the period of Guru Sri Indirakant teerth swamiji.
The Rama navami rathotsava festival used to begin from panchami. By donating the income from the assets of His poorvashrama family to the math, the festival now started a day earlier and the rituals were started from chaturthi only.
The most striking incidence was the selection of a person to take on the responsibility of carrying the work of the math. This happened during the lifetime of Sri Indirakant teerth. A student who was studying in the math was observed to be very much concentrated and devoted to the studies and his lifestyle was highly ascetic. He was also very brilliant in studies with almost photographic memory and was progressing in studies of the shaastra at a remarkable pace. He was Govind Acharya from the highly renowned family of scholars from Gangolli. Sri Indirakant teerth expressed His desire for selection of the person before He left for heavenly abode. SrI Kamalanath swamiji adorned the gurupeeth on vaishakha shukla triteeya ( akshaya triteeyaa) shri saka 1864. After a short period of eleven months Swamiji took Samadhi in partagali on chaitra shukla ekadashi shri saka 1865.
May the life story of the guru shower His auspicious blessings on us
There is a speciality which can be noticed in the vrindavan of Srimad Kamalanath teerth Swamiji. The pratima on the vrindavan of all swamijis is invariably of Hanuman. But in the vrindavan of Srimad Kamalanath teerth Swamiji it is the third avatar of pranadevaru ,Sriman Madhvacharya holding brahmasutra bhashya
Vrindavan of Srimad Kamalanath Theertha Sripad Vader Swamiji
गुरुचरणाम्बुज दास विष्णु वेंकटदास शानभाग
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